Курсовая работа: Equivalents of gerund are in Russian translation
Gwenoldenansweredratherpettishly, andhermammawasafraidtosaymore. – Гвендолен ответила несколько раздраженно, и ее мыть побоялась продолжать разговор (15, 179).
With the verb to remember the infinitive usually refers to the future, and the gerund to the past.
1) I shall always remember meeting you for the first time (= remember what one has done, or what has happened). – Явсегдабудупомнить, какмывстретилисьвпервые.
Remember to go to the post office, won’t you? (= Remember what you have to do). – Незабудьзайтинапочту.
2) To forget.
IshallneverforgetseeingtheQueen. – Я никогда не забуду, как я видел королеву.
She is always forgetting to give me my letters. – Онавсегдазабываетотдаватьмнемоиписьма.
3) To stop.
I really must stop smoking (= stop what one is doing, or does). – Мнедействительнонужнопрекратитькурить.
Every half hour I stop work to smoke a cigarette (= make a break or pause in order o do something). – Каждыеполчасаяпрерываюработу, чтобыпокурить.
4) To go on + Ving.
How long do to intend to go on playing those records? – Какдолготынамереваешьсяслушатьэтипластинки?
to go on + Inf.
He welcomed the new students and then went on to explain the college regulations. – Онпоприветствовалновыхстудентовиприступилкобъявлениюправилколледжа.
5) To regret + Ving.
I don’t regret telling her what I thought, even if it upset her. - Янесожалею, чтосказалейтом, чтодумаю, дажееслиэтоогорчилоее.
To regret + Inf.
I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you employment. – Ясожалею, нодолженсообщитьвам, чтомынеможемпринятьваснаработу (5, 160).
3.2 The gerund and the participle
In most cases the differentiation between the gerund and the participle does not present any difficulty.
Unlike the participle the gerund may be preceded by a preposition, it may be modified by a noun in the possessive case or by a possessive pronoun; it can be used in the function of a subject, object and predicative. In the function of an attribute and of an adverbial modifier both the gerund and the participle may be used, but the gerund in these functions always proceeded by a preposition.
There are cases, however, when the differentiation between the gerund and the participle presents some difficulty; for instance, it is not always easy to distinguish between a gerund as part of a compound noun and a participle as an attribute to a noun. One should bear in mind that if we have a gerund as part of a compound noun, the person or thing denoted by the noun does not perform the action expressed by the ing -form: e.g. a dancing-hall (a hall for dancing), a cooking stove (a stove for cooking), walking shoes, a writing-table etc.
If we have participle used as an attribute the person denoted by the noun performs the action expressed by the ing -form: e.g. a dancing girl (a girl who dances), a singing child etc.
However, there are cases which admit of two interpretations; for example a sewing machine, may be understood in two ways: a machine for sewing and a machine which sews; a hunting dog may be a dog for hunting and a dog that hunts(34 – 35).
3.3 The gerund and the verbal noun
The gerund should not be confused with the verbal noun, which has the same suffix -ing. The main points of difference between the gerund and the verbal noun are as follows.
1) Like all the verbals the gerund has a double character - nominal and verbal. – The verbal noun has only a nominal character.
2) The gerund is not used with an article. – The verbal noun may be used with an article.
The making of a new humanity cannot be the privilege of a handful of bureaucrats. – Совершениеновогочеловечестванеможетбытьпривилегиейпригоршнибюрократов.
I want you to give my hair a good brushing. – Яхочу, чтобытыхорошопричесаламоиволосы.
3) The gerund has no plural form. – The verbal noun may be used in the plural.