Курсовая работа: Equivalents of gerund are in Russian translation
Like a verb, a gerund may have a subject, but, like earlier verbal nouns, its subject is in the genitive, here, however, only the old subjective genitive in -s, or instead of the genitive the person implied in a possessive adjective, my, his, etc., which were originally genitives of the personal pronouns and are still often used as such ; 'I am provoked at John's talking so rudely' (or 'at his talking so rudely').-Япротивтого,чтобыДжонтаксомнойгруборазговаривал. Many common substantive limiting adjectives, as this, these, those, any, several, all, two, three, etc., have no s-genitive. Here, of course, as the genitive is impossible, we have to use the accusative: 'Was it thou who didst tell the boy this foolishness of these being our arms?-Быллиэтоименноты, ктосказалмальчикуэтуглупость, чтоонвнашихруках'. 'Some families may possibly have moved away on account of the repeated failure of crops, but I do not know of any having done so.-Некоторыесемьивозможноуехалибыиз-запостоянныхнеурожаев, нояникогонезнаю, ктобытакпоступил. ' There are also nouns that have no genitive form. Here we must have recourse to the accusative: 'I am not surprised at young or old falling in love with her.' There is no hope of good coming from it.' 'There is no expectation of the French withdrawing their demands.'-Большенетсилждать, когдаФранцияпредоставитсвоитребования (22-102).
I don’t like your going off without any money. – Мнененравится, чтовыуходитебезденег.
Here the gerund going off is in predicate relation to the pronoun your, which denotes the doer of the action expressed by the gerund (14, 173).
The nominal element of the construction can be expressed in different ways.
1) If it denotes a living being it may be expressed:
a) by a noun in the genitive case or by a possessive pronoun.
His further consideration of the point was prevented by Richard’s coming back to us in an excited state. – Егодальнейшиеразмышлениябылипрерванытем, чтовернулсяРичардвчрезвычайновозбужденномсостоянии.
Doyoumindmysmoking? – Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы я курил?
b) by a noun in the common case.
I have a distinct recollection of Lady Chiltern always getting the good conduct prize! – Яотличнопомню, чтоледиГильтернвсегдаполучаланаградызапримерноеповедение.
NOTE. – Thus in modern English there are two parallel constructions or the type: Fancy David’s courting Emily! and Fancy David courting Emily! These two constrictions may be used in differently, but sometimes there is a slight difference in meaning in the first example the action (the verbal element of the construction) is emphasized, whereas in the second the does of the action (the nominal element of the construction) is emphasized (9, 89).
Occasionally examples are found where the nominal element of the construction is expressed by a pronoun is the objective case.
Ihopeyouwillforgivemedisturbingyou. – Надеюсь, что вы простите меня за то, что я вас побеспокоил.
There are cases when the nominal element of the construction, though denoting a living, cannot be expressed by a noun in the possessive case, but only by a noun in the common case, namely when it consists of two or more nouns or when it is a noun modified by an attribute in past-position.
I object to Marry and Jane going out on such a windy day. – Япротив, чтобыМэрииДжейнвышлинаулицувтакойхолод.
He felt no uneasiness now in the thought of the brother and sister being alone together. – Еготеперьнесмущаламысльотом, чтобратисестраосталисьвдвоем.
Didyoueverhearofamanofsenserejectingsuchanoffer? – Слышали ли вы когда-нибудь, чтобы разумный человек отказался от такого предложения? (15, 174).
2) If the nominal element of the construction denotes a lifeless thing, it is expressed by a noun in the common case (such nouns, as a rule, are not used in the genitive case) or by a possessive pronoun.
I said something about my clock being slow. – Ясказал, чтомоичасыотстают.
…Piggottspokeof… myroom, andofitsbeingreadyforme. – …Пеготт говорила… о моей комнате и о том, что она уже приготовлена для меня (3 – 475).
3) The nominal element of the construction can also be expressed by a pronoun which has no case distinctions, such as all, this, that, both, each, something.
I insist on both of them coming in time. – Ятребую, чтобыониобапришливовремя.
Again Michael … was conscious of something deep and private stirring within himself. – Михаилопятьпочувствовал, чтовегодушешевельнулосьчто-тоглубокоеизатаенное.
NOTE. – Some grammarians recognize the existence of two separate constructions: the gerundial construction (a construction whose nominal element is expressed by a noun in the genitive case or by a possessive pronoun) and a construction with a half gerund (a construction whose nominal element is expressed by a noun in the common case, a pronoun in the objective case, or a pronoun which has no case distinctions) (15, 175).
A general construction is nearly always rendered in Russian by a subordinate clause, generally introduced by то, что; тем, что; как, etc.
Hebeingaforeigner, anex-enemywasbadenough. – То, что он был иностранцем, бывший неприятель, было уже плохо.
Thedooropeninggentlyinterruptedherthoughtsatlast. – Ее мысли были наконец прерваны тем, что дверь тихонько открылась.
Ibegantopicturetomyself… mybeingfounddeadinadayortwo, undersomehedge. – Я начал представлять себе, как через день или два меня найдут мертвым под каким ни будь забором (13, 56).
Section II The use of the gerund
2.1 The use of the gerund
In modern English the gerund is widely used and often competes with the infinitive.